
paintbox Package


disp2vel(wrange, velscale)

Returns a log-rebinned wavelength dispersion with constant velocity.

logspace_dispersion(interval, velscale[, vunit])

Returns a wavelength dispersion array with constant velocity scale .

broad2lick(wl, intens, obsres[, vel])

Convolve spectra to match the Lick/IDS instrumental resolution.

broad2res(w, flux, obsres, outres[, fluxerr])

Broad resolution of observed spectra to a given resolution.


ParametricModel(wave, params, templates)

Interpolation of SED model templates parametrically.

NonParametricModel(wave, templates[, names])

Weighted linear combination of SED models.

Polynomial(wave, degree[, pname, zeroth])

Polynomial SED component.

CompoundSED(o1, o2, op)

Combination of SED models.

LOSVDConv(obj[, losvdpars, vunit])

Convolution of a SED model with the LOS Velocity Distribution.

Resample(wave, obj)

Resampling of SED model to a new wavelength dispersion.

CCM89(wave[, unit])

Cardelli, Clayton and Mathis (1989) extinction law.

C2000(wave[, unit])

Calzetti et al. (2000) extinction law.

StudTLogLike(observed, model[, obserr, mask])

Student’s t-distribution log-likelihood.

StudT2LogLike(observed, model[, obserr, mask])

Student’s t-distribution log-likelihood with scaled uncertainties.

NormalLogLike(observed, model[, obserr, mask])

Normal loglikelihood for SED modeling.

Normal2LogLike(observed, model[, obserr, mask])

Variation of the normal log-likelihood with scaled errors.

CvD18([wave, libpath, sigma, store, …])

Utility class for the use of CvD models.

MILES([spectral_range, imf_type, …])

Utility class to prepare MILES SSP models.